
Bonding in Spring, TX

Struggling with broken teeth? Dental bonding in Spring can help! When you choose Immediate Smiles Dentures & Dentistry for your dental needs, you can look forward to having a dentist near you who will work hard to give you better oral health and hygiene.

With bonding, you can enjoy the benefits of complete teeth and a healthier smile. If you or a loved one requires bonding near you, come see Dr. Rahul Mehta and the experienced team at Immediate Smiles Dentures & Dentistry.

Feel free to call our office today to make an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you soon.

What Is It?

This cosmetic dental procedure can help you restore broken teeth. Dr. Mehta uses composite resin to fill in areas in your mouth that no longer have complete teeth. Thanks to our advanced treatment options, you can look forward to safe and effective dental care that will leave you with an attractive smile.

Bonding is first applied to your broken tooth as a soft and pliable compound. This allows Dr. Mehta to work and mold the resin over your damaged tooth. Once the resin is sufficiently molded, we then use a special light that quickly hardens the bonding.

Soon, your problematic tooth will look and function just like it was new! With care and daily brushing, your new bonding can last as long as ten years – possibly longer.

Who Needs Bonding?

We use bonding on patients’ teeth for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common are:

  • Restoring a discolored tooth to its original vibrancy
  • Filling a widened gap between teeth
  • Rebuilding a broken or worn tooth
  • Filling in a badly decayed tooth

How Long Does Treatment Take?

Most bonding treatments take 30 to 60 minutes to complete for each tooth that needs to be treated. If you have several teeth that need repairing, we may need to schedule you for more than one appointment to ensure that you get the care you deserve.

If you are ready to meet with our dentist in Spring, call Immediate Smiles Dentures & Dentistry to schedule a consultation.

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