Emergency Care

Emergency Care in Spring

Most dental emergencies happen when you’re least expecting it, so it may not be easy or convenient for you to get into your family for treatment. If you find yourself in this situation, contact Immediate Smiles Dentures & Dentistry for accessible emergency dentistry in Spring.

When you visit us for your dental care, you have kind and compassionate dentists near you who specialize in emergency care. Our staff continually strives to provide a safe environment for you and your loved ones. If you need emergency dentistry near you, don’t hesitate to call or stop by our office. At Immediate Smiles Dentures & Dentistry, our emergency dentist in Spring will work hard to resolve your concerns in a professional and timely manner.

What Is It?

Patients seek emergency dentistry when they have suffered an injury to their teeth or jaw area. We are here when you need immediate dental attention and can’t get in right away to see your family dentist. Instead of suffering in pain while waiting at your local emergency room, come see the specialists at Immediate Smiles Dentures & Dentistry so we can provide the treatment you need. If you are experiencing dental pain and discomfort, our trusted and caring staff will try to make you feel comfortable and relaxed during your visit.

Who Needs Emergency Dentistry?

Any trauma to your jaw is considered a dental emergency. If you aren’t sure whether your injury constitutes an emergency, check below for some of the most common issues we treat.

  • A broken or chipped tooth
  • Damaged dental braces
  • Damaged dental crown
  • Severe tooth infection
  • Abscessed tooth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Jaw trauma

Even if you are still unsure, don’t delay in reaching out to us. We will gladly examine your concerns and provide the best course of action for resolving your needs. If you have a tooth infection, you must seek immediate emergency dental care. Without prompt treatment, the infection could spread to other areas of your body. This can cause potentially life-threatening health complications, so be sure to come in right away. We will do everything we can to save your tooth.

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